Month: December 2023

M&A strategy: Types, pros & cons, case studies

m&a strategies

According to McKinsey’s survey, executives anticipate new products and businesses to generate 30% of revenue by 2027. Most of the time, it’s much easier, faster, and cheaper to grow through M&A than to develop a business organically. However, choosing an M&A direction is no easy task. This article explains why, when, and whom to acquire. […]

M&A financing – what are the most common ways?

m&a financing

Companies require capital to complete financial transactions and the method they choose to secure funds can influence their growth, financial health, and ability to navigate business complexities.  Imagine a fast-growing startup that takes on a big loan to expand but doesn’t thoroughly assess its repayment capacity. When unforeseen challenges arise, it’s no longer able to […]