The importance of proper document structure in everyday workflows and complex deals goes beyond mere convenience. It is the cornerstone of efficient decision-making, risk mitigation, and smooth transactional processes. However, despite the various storage solutions available today, companies still face challenges in data management.

In this article, we invite you to explore a solution that organizes data and keeps it consistent and high-quality. You’ll explore the concept of a data room index, its benefits, and features. Also, you’ll learn how it improves due diligence and get some tips on building an effective document structure.

What is a data room index?

A data room index is a table of contents listing all the files kept in a virtual data room. It provides an outlined structure of the documents stored in a data room, allowing users to navigate and find what they’re looking for easily without guesswork.

For a logical structure, a virtual data room index can be divided into the following categories:

  • Top-tier folders. These are the highest-level folders that represent overarching themes, projects, or departments. They provide a broad overview of the contents within a data room and serve as the core navigational points for users.
  • Main folders. They are subcategories within the top-tier folders, offering more specific divisions. They help further refine a data room table by grouping important documents under distinct headings.
  • Subfolders. Being nested within main folders, subfolders offer the most detailed level of organization. They allow for granular categorization of files, enabling users to locate specific information within a particular context.

Example: To understand a data room folder structure better, check a few top-tier folders, main folders, and subfolders a real estate company’s data room index may include:

  1. 🗃️General information ➡ 🗂️Policies and procedures📁Employee handbook
  2. 🗃️Financial and tax review ➡ 🗂️Financial statements📁Monthly financial reports
  3. 🗃️Information technology ➡ 🗂️IT policies and procedures📁Data security guidelines

Now, look at the data room index offered by one of the market-leading providers ⬇

data room index


Next, we invite you to explore the advantages your team can get from an organized data room table.

Benefits of using a VDR index

In broad strokes, a document index is like a map that guides travelers on their route, providing the following advantages:

1. Enhanced due diligence

Deal-makers can streamline the due diligence process using a data room index in mergers, acquisitions, or fundraising. Specifically, buyers, investors, advisors, and other multiple parties can conveniently review all the documents, expediting deal timelines.

👁️‍🗨Did you know that unreliable data is one of the biggest due diligence challenges?

2. Customization and scalability

Virtual data room indexes are customizable to suit an organization’s or project’s needs. For example, they can be easily scaled to accommodate growing data volumes, additional users, or new projects, providing flexibility and adaptability.

3. Time savings

Virtual data rooms streamline searching and browsing through categorized files and folders regardless of their number. Thus, you can find and access documents you need faster, maximizing productivity by saving time.

4. Improved collaboration

Neat document organization enhances user experience by making information easy to find, understand, and engage with. This way, you can demonstrate to colleagues, strategic partners, and investors that you respect their time.

The more you improve your document index, the more advantages you get from using it. Therefore, we offer a few helpful practices for designing your index to maximize its potential benefits.

Best practices for organizing a clear data room structure

To turn hundreds of different folders and files into a clear and logical structure, follow the practices below:

Plan index structure
Invest your time in planning a clear data room index. Begin by organizing top-tier folders that align with your data room usage purpose.
For example, they can be Projects, Clients, and Legal documents. Then, break them down into subfolders for each specific category or topic, such as Project A, Client B, and Contracts.
⚠️Potential challenge: Establishing top-level folders that accurately represent broad categories may be time-consuming without a deep understanding of the types of documents to be stored.
✅Solution: Consider brainstorming sessions with your team to gather input and ensure top-level folders align with user expectations.
Be consistent in naming
To ensure smooth folder structure navigation and quick access to information, maintain a consistent naming convention in the virtual data room.
Avoid generic names like Document 1 that say nothing about the file’s contents. Instead, include vital details like document type, date, or a brief description in the file name.
⚠️ Despite providing clear guidelines for naming documents, users may still deviate from the standard conventions due to oversight, lack of understanding, or personal preferences.
Ensure all users follow the naming convention through ongoing monitoring, feedback, and implementing scripts to enforce naming rules.
Prioritize accessibility
Place frequently accessed or essential documents at the top of the data room index for quick access.
Consider creating a dedicated folder for Key documents or Recent updates.
⚠️ Identifying exactly what should be at the top of the folder hierarchy can be tricky without knowing user priorities.
Analyze document usage patterns with the help of data room tracking tools that show which folders and files users access and how often.
Use tags and metadata
Tagging and metadata features provided by the data room software help categorize documents based on keywords, making searching and filtering information easier.
You can assign relevant metadata such as document type, date, author, and project to each document. 
⚠️ Metadata integrity can be disrupted as document libraries evolve, resulting in inconsistencies.
Regular audits and user training may be necessary to ensure that metadata is applied consistently and updated as needed.
Set user access permissions
Configure permission settings at the file or folder level, ensuring only authorized users can access sensitive information. It helps maintain top-of-the-line security and prevent unauthorized access.
To achieve this, implement role-based permission settings that restrict users to information relevant to their roles.
⚠️ As you have many users and documents in the data room, it may be complex to ensure that permissions are accurately configured and regularly updated to reflect changes in user roles or document sensitivity.
Virtual data rooms have a user group setup feature, which allows you to manage hundreds of users in groups consistently and securely.
Update your data room’s table regularly
Regular revisions and updates ensure that your index remains reliable for easy data management.
Remove outdated documents, reorganize folders as necessary, and incorporate user feedback to improve usability.
⚠️: Not knowing what to remove can be problematic because it can potentially lead to the accumulation of outdated or redundant documents, resulting in cluttered folder structures and decreased efficiency in data management and business transactions.
With data room activity reports, admins can gain insights into which documents are no longer relevant and can be safely removed or archived. In particular, they can check access frequency and the last access date.

After learning how to organize your data room index properly, you are now ready to upload files and create an organized document tree with the help of the software’s helpful features.

Helpful VDR indexing features

Virtual data room providers may differ in functionality for index construction. Therefore, we recommend choosing a solution with the following tools:

  • Drag and drop data upload. Drag and drop documents from your computer into the data room upload window with a few clicks.
  • Bulk upload. Quickly upload an unlimited number of any-sized documents to the data room — with instant access. 
  • Multiple format support. Save time by using the data room software to convert files to PDF automatically.
  • Windows Explorer integration. Easily sync the contents of your desktop, FTP, shared folder, or corporate file storage with your virtual data room.
  • Full-text search. Quickly find information using keywords or filters and benefit from the OCR system, which scans all documents across formats for specific words or phrases.
  • Document permissions. Disable printing and downloading, protect documents from screen capture with fence view, revoke access to a file after it has been downloaded, and restrict certain users from accessing specific storage sections.
  • Streamlined document management. Easily manage files and folders by uploading, deleting, moving, viewing, downloading, restoring, and naming files. Plus, you can merge several documents into a single PDF file with a virtual data room.
  • Automatic index numbering. Save time and effort with data rooms automatically creating and updating the document structure no matter how many files and folders you add or remove.

As we reach the final stretch of our post, we invite you to examine how a data room folder structure works for a specific business transaction, due diligence, and what it typically includes.

Improve the due diligence process by implementing a data room index

The organized folder structure is crucial for due diligence because it provides a clear framework for organizing and analyzing large volumes of relevant information, which is far beyond contracts, corporate governance, claims, and disputes. So, here is how a virtual data room index improves this process:

1. Comprehensive analysis for better insights

A user-friendly data room index organizes information into logical categories, making it easier for due diligence teams to analyze the target company thoroughly. With data categorized into relevant sections (financial information, contracts, intellectual property, etc.), due diligence teams can systematically review and assess each aspect of the target’s business.

You may also want to know: What do investors expect to see in your financial data?

2. Accuracy and consistency for building trust

By defining clear data formats, naming conventions, and categorization criteria, structured data minimizes the risk of errors, inconsistencies, and misunderstandings during document review and analysis. It promotes the reliability and trustworthiness of the due diligence findings.

3. Quick data search for streamlined procedure

A well-organized data index helps participants conveniently search and quickly find specific documents in the data room. It simplifies the procedure and saves valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent sifting through disorganized data.

Virtual data room index for due diligence: Checklist

Now that we have discussed the advantages of a logical index for a due diligence data room, let’s focus on the practical aspect — the due diligence document checklist. Typically, it includes the following:

  1. Legal
  • Corporate structure, subsidiaries, and affiliates
  • Licensed jurisdictions
  • Related transactions over the last three years
  1. Commercial
  • Top 25 customers over the last three years
  • Material sales partners
  • Clients who have discontinued their cooperation in the past three years
  • Revenue
  1. Financial
  • Audited and unaudited financial statements
  • Liabilities or obligations
  1. Human resources
  • Employee agreements and contracts
  • Compensation agreements
  • Confidentiality, non-compete, non-disclosure, and non-solicitation agreements
  1. Intellectual property
  • Trademarks
  • Patents
  • Copyrights
  • Domains
  1. Information technology
  • List of IT resources
  • Current or planned IT projects and initiatives
  • Software purchase and maintenance policies
  1. Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) compliance
  • Environmental investigations, citations, and violations
  • Environmental litigation for the past ten years
  • Environmental remediation efforts
  1. Tax
  • The results of tax audits for the previous five years
  • Five years of property taxes
  • Five years of any communications and agreements with tax authorities

Please note that this due diligence checklist may vary depending on industry, deal specifics, company policies, etc. Therefore, we recommend expert advice to streamline the due diligence index.


The importance of a virtual data room index cannot be overstated, as it streamlines and expedites complex deals and workflows. With a centralized location for all relevant information, teams can work more effectively, with less risk of errors or oversights. This way, organizations achieve smoother transactions and higher success rates in business dealings with a data room. So, get this navigational roadmap, prepare documents, and experience all the benefits it offers.